Why we did this
To help re enforce our rom-com genre and to help attract our rom-com audience we decided to incorporate cartoon figures of each of the male characters to help introduce their characters characteristics. Brad's shortened tie, scruffy spiky hair and unimpressed expression signifies that this character will be a bit ofa rebel and a bad boy which is then anchored by the voice over and badboy scene. Contrastingly Harri's has along smart tie, neat hair and smiling expression which indicates that he is a hard worker and an opposite toBrad which is also anchored in the voice over and Shop scene. This idea was influenced by the film Diary of a Wimpy Kid, as it's genre is comedy this fits with our rom-com genre.
Cartoons used to introduce the characters from 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' |
Needs screenshots from Photoshop, which presumably Ben has/will blog(ged) on?