Wednesday 15 October 2014

FILM OPENING 4 EG - The crying game

(Neil Jordan, 1992)
Produced by Palace Pictures, Channel Four films; distribution: Miramax Films
Box Office: $62.6m (world)

This first shot is an establishing shot that then starts to slowly pan across to reveal the setting. The fairground could signify that this is a  family friendly movie and also that it will contain a young central character. The slight shadow of the bridge around the edge of the frame also makes it look like a point of view shot.

The red text denotes that the genre of the film could be a romance and/or thriller. Also the serif font signify's that this may be a serious or social realist film.

As the panning continues the mise-en-scene connotes that this could be set in a seaside town due to the little beach at the end of the stretch of land.

Then the shot jumps to a long shot, the re-enforces the idea of a younger central character due to the fairground amusements crowded with young people.

The shot then zooms into two people. The denim jackets on both characters and hoop earns, red lips and a twirled up hair do on the girl denote that this is set around the 1980's.

The mise-on-scene I think contains intertextual references to the final scene from the musical film Grease (set in 1978) due to the American style far ground as well as the youths wearing leather jackets and other similar attire as in Grease.

At this point Stuart Hall's 3 levels of preferred reading does point to a romantic genre due to the close physical contact between the two featured characters, which fits with the previous red coloured font of the titles. Due to the tracking shot following the couple it denotes that these could be central characters in the film.

Now we see an over the shoulder (the person viewing occupying 1/3 of the frame) point of view shot. This signifies that someone is watching/stalking the couple, this denotes that something isn't right and also that this could be a mystery due to Barthese' narrative enigma idea.

The two shot between these two characters also signifies that something is not right as it connotes a relationship between these two characters. It could also signify that action/violence will occur soon due to the uncomfortable and nervous expressions of the female character and the sly and confident expression of the viewing male as this creates tension.

The shot tracks upwards to from an aerial long shot at a high angle. This denotes that the two characters specifically the male is in danger and is vulnerable.

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